They take us places we need to go. Sometimes they take us places we DON'T need to go.
Jeremiah, the Old Testament prophet, made note about people who loved to wander and didn't refrain their feet (Jer 14:10).
Taking a walk or a hike through the woods or up a mountain on a path that we've never been on before can be an exciting adventure. Driving an old country road in an unfamiliar area can be refreshing. But, these same things can also get us lost! Many people have become disoriented and lost all sense of direction because they allowed their feet to wander down the wrong path. If a person is going to venture into never explored territories, it is best to have some kind of a guide. A map, a GPS device, or the instructions of a trusted person are helpful.
God has not left us without direction! He never intended for us to wander aimlessly!
The Psalmist declared, "Thy word is a lamp unto my FEET" (Psa 119:105).
Proverbs tells us, "the path of the just is as the shining light" (Pro 4:18).
While God wants to take up places we've never been before, through His Word, there will always be a light that goes before our FEET to illuminate the path before us.
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