Friday, May 14, 2010

The Land of Blessings and Battles

Moses sent 12 spies, one from each tribe, to examine a land that was promised to them. They were encouraged to go throughout the area and "see what the land is" (Numbers 13:18). The spies went from the North to the South, to the East and to the West. During their espionage they acquired some of the fruit of the land; a cluster of grapes, some pomegranates and figs.

The 12 spies also noted people dwelling in fortified cities, the descendants of Anak, and several other groups living in the land flowing with milk and honey.

It quickly became apparent to these 12 representatives that the land they were commissioned to spy on was not only a land with abundant blessings but also a land where battles would be fought. In order to enjoy the blessings God had for them, they were going to have to fight some battles. When asked for their report of the land, two of them gave the thumbs up to move forward and take the land. The other ten were not convinced.

Blessings and Battles

In order for people to take possession of the blessings in store for them, there will be battles they will have to fight. God's blessings often don't come without sacrifice. His favor is frequently found in the midst of a struggle.

Walking with God is the greatest privilege this life affords a human being. But, this privileged life doesn't come without first having to fight some battles and driving out the enemies that currently possess this promised land.

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