Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Superiority of the Son of God

Just a few notes about the superiority of Jesus Christ from Hebrews 1:

  • the Son has been appointed heir of all things (v2)
  • He is the brightness (radiance) of God's glory (v3)
  • He is the exact imprint or express image of God's nature (v3)
  • He sustains all things by the word of His power (v3)
  • the Son has purified of us from our sins (v3)
  • He occupies the position at the right hand of the Majesty on high (v3)
  • He became much superior than the angels(v4)
  • He has inherited a more excellent name than the angels(v4)
  • all the angels of God have been told to worship Him(v6)
  • His throne is forever and ever (v8)
  • His throne is established in righteousness (v8)
  • the Son was anointed with the oil of gladness above His companions
  • He created the heavens and the earth (v10)
  • He remains and His years have no end (vs11-12)
  • His enemies have been made His footstool (v13)

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